Basketball Legend, Lebron James demand Justice for Breonna Taylor

"We want the cops arrested who committed that crime."
"As one of the leaders of this league, I want her family to know, and I want the state of Kentucky to know that we feel for her and we want justice. That’s what it’s all about. What’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong."
LeBron -- who etched ""#Justice4BreonnaT"" on his sneaker for Thursday night's scrimmage -- also weighed in on Black Lives Matter ... clarifying it's not a movement, but a lifestyle.
"When you're Black, it's not a movement," James said. "It's a lifestyle. We sit here and say it's a movement, and, okay ... how long is this movement going to last?"
"'Don't stop the movement.' ... No, this is a walk of life. When you wake up and you're Black, that is what it is."
"It shouldn't be a movement. It should be a lifestyle. This is who we are."
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