Up in flames: Police in riot gear stand near a burning car on a street in Ferguson on Monday. Moments after the announcement by St. Louis County's top prosecutor, crowds began pouring into Ferguson streets to protest the decision

Raid: Looters help themselves to goods from a local Ferguson business 

Ferguson has been struggling to return to normal after Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was killed by Darren Wilson, a white Ferguson police officerAnarchy: Looters run out of a business  in Ferguson during a night that saw dozens arrested and up to 25 buildings set on fire

                                Darren Wilson

                                Michael Brown
 Yesterday in Ferguson, Missouri USA the grand jury rejected to charge police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of the black teenager Michael Brown on the 9th of August this year. The decision not to indict Darren Wilson has flared violence in Ferguson and other US cities. The violence have led to looting of businesses and setting of cars and building aflame. Hundreds of gun shots were heard. A Missouri cop has been shot and his condition is unknown. There have also been protests in 90 cities all over US like LA, Washington, Chicago, Seattle, New York, Oakland etc.
President Barack Obama has appealed for calm in Ferguson Missouri. And in reference to Black people distrust of the white police forces, he warned healing the wound "won't be done by smashing car windows. That won't be done by using this as an excuse to vandalize property. It certainly won't be done by hurting anybody." But he did not say if PC Wilson will be facing any federal civil rights charge.
This summer Michael Brown 18years and another black teenager were confronted by Darren Wilson PC. A scuffle ensued Wilson shot and killed Michael who was unarmed. Two witnesses came forward to say that at the time of Brown shooting that he has his hands raised.
Brown's family has said that they are profoundly disappointed with the decision no to indict Mr Wilson.   


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