10 Priests & 2 others charged with child sex abuse

A person believed to be one of the suspects sits with their head covered in the back of a police car in Granada, Spain, 24 November
One of the priests with his head covered when arrested in November

A Judge in Granada, Spain has charged 10 Roman catholic priests with child sex abuse. Also charged are 2 laymen. The victims are 4 teenage boys that served as altar boys between 2004 to 2007. The most serious offences was committed in the priests house. One of the victims now 24 wrote a letter to Pope Francis last year about the alleged abuse. The Pope on receipt of his letter phoned him to apologise for the abuse.

In November the 12 men were arrested but later released on bail.
The alleged abuse happened in the parish house and at another property and they boys visited at the invitation of the priests.
The Archbishop of Granada, Francisco Javier Martinez, and fellow priests prostrated themselves in front of the altar of Granada's cathedral to seek pardon for sexual abuse in the Church. 

The Archbishop of Granada, Francisco Javier Martinez, and fellow priests prostrate themselves in front of the altar of Granada's cathedral, 23 November 2014
Archbishop of Granada and other priests prostrate the altar of Granada


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