Who called this lovely Mickey Mouse an a**hole
You may be wondering what the Mickey Mouse has done. I love Mickey Mouse. Kids love Mickey Mouse .Everybody loves Mickey. Well except Christina Aguilera. The story is that Christina Aguilera went to Disneyland California to celebrate her 34th birthday with her crew. When Christina wanted to take a picture with Mickey Mouse he told her he is on break and can she wait. This was when hell was let loose. Christina in annoyance called Mickey Mouse an a**hole. Hey Christina its christmas. Who in his or her right mind will call Mickey Mouse an a**hole. It did not end there she even dropped the line "Do you know who I am? "
If I am mickey I will show her pepper...lol.. who is she. is she not the DIRTY GIRL.
Well humble Mickey wasn't me he walked out to have his break while the Dirty singer and her crew hurl threats at him.

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