Brawl in Kenya Parliament

The legislative session to debate on a new bill in Kenya parliament ended in lawmakers trading blow and the Deputy Speaker had water thrown on her. The Bill is about increasing the powers of the
government to fight the militant Islamic group al-Shabab. The opposition said is a draconian law. It gives the security and intelligence agencies the right to detain terror suspects for up to one year, to tap communications without court consent and requires journalists to obtain police permission before investigating or publishing stories on domestic terrorism and security issues. 4 lawmakers were assaulted and 2 engaged in a fight.

A protester shouts outside Kenya's parliament during a demonstration calling for freedom of speech to be respected in the capital Nairobi on 18 December 2014

Policemen arrest a man protesting about controversial new security legislation outside parliament 18 December 18 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya


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