Nigerian Wins The Crime and Thriller Book of The Year Award At British Book Awards

                       Oyinkan Braithwaite, Meet the Writers 224 - Radio | Monocle                        
The Nigerian Novelist Oyinkan Braithwaite won the Crime and Thriller book of the year awards at the British Book Awards for her novel, My Sister, The Serial Killer. This was announced Monday night during the award.
She has this to say "I couldn’t have imagined it in my wildest dreams but each and every time [I win an award] it feels like another pat on the back. I didn’t write the book to get published – it was an exercise for myself because I’m terrible when it comes to finishing stories, so I wasn’t thinking about what agents or publishers or readers will think when I wrote it. I had no expectations."
                     Braithwaite, Rankin and Wesolowski make Amazon Publishing Readers ...


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