Music Legend, Stevie Wonder Slams Trump Racism Against Black And Brown People : "When I Can See Better Than Your 20-20 Vision" (Video)

The music legend Stevie Wonder, has a message for US President Donald Trump, though in this video clip Trump's name was never mentioned. He referred to a lot of times when Trump has made racial and offensive statements against black and brown people - referred to Haiti and  Africa nations  as shithole countries

“Black lives do matter, and this is not another digital, viral trend, moment or hashtag,” he added in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement. “It has to be the beginning of an end of all this bullish. It is our lives, literally. Yes, all lives do matter. But they only matter when Black lives matter too.”

“You know, it’s a sad day when I can see better than your 20/20 vision,’” said Wonder, who has been blind from birth. Ahead of the 2016 election, the musician said that voting for Trump to lead the country would be like asking him to drive a car.

“The universe is watching us,” Wonder concluded in Tuesday’s video. “Forget about a hundred, a thousand years from now. What will we have done by this time next year? I’m talking about you. I’m talking about me. I’m talking about every-single-body. Let’s do something. Let’s make a difference.”


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